Teaser Title | Teaser Text | Teaser CTA Label | Pictures and Media | Items | Linked CTA | |
G003 Collection | No | No | No | No | Yes | No |
Items (Default Collections) | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Yes |
This is the component that styles the menu portion of the G002 Main Navigation. For G003 there is a primary menu used on emerson.com to allow Automation Solutions and Commercial & Residential Solutions to have secondary, independent menus. This G003 is not approved for use on other sites. If there is a need for a two-tier menu structure check with your platform governance for approval. All other approved sites should use G003B.
In the original CoreMedia site design the Primary Navigation was created with a CoreMedia Placeholder with the Function Variant "navigation". While this is still a valid component in CoreMedia and still used on some sites, it should be considered deprecated and superseded by the G003/G003B. The old "navigation" variant is hard coded and controlled by complicated and fixed logic based on children pages of the Homepage Navigation. Instructions for this version are no longer provided.
Create two or more Collections for the top level menus. In the primary use case, you will ceate two new Collections corresponding to Automation Solutions and Commercial & Residential Solutions and add them as Items to the G003 Collection Items List. For each of the Collections you will need to build as follows:
Teaser Title | Teaser Text | Teaser CTA Label | Pictures and Media | Items | Linked CTA | |
G003B Collection | No | No | No | No | Yes | No |
Items (Collections) | Yes | No | No | No | Optional | Optional |
This is the component that styles the menu portion of the G002 Main Navigation. For G003B there is single level navigation structure. Each entry can have a menu or simply link to a Page.
The G003B is the shell that holds each of the menus or Pages in the main navigation. It is actually built in the same manner as the G003 even though there is just a single-level menu navigation. You will only add Items (Collections) to the Items List of the G003B. No other fields in the Collection are used. Each Collection will represent one menu entry and will contain either a Collection for a menu (G012, G013, G014 or G015) or the Collection will have a Linked-Call-to-Action-Button with a Page associated. See details below:
Each Collection can either contain a Collection with a menu or a Page, or both a menu and a Page. The Page is the CTA response when the menu label is clicked.
This use case is specific to Climate Technologies, but could be used by other sites. On climate.emerson.com there is a header title that sits above the primary navigation. This allows "Climate Technologies" to be visible on the site since there is no logo for Climate Technologies (the Emerson logo is used.)
On the Homepage of the parent locale for your site, go to the System Tab and then go to "Local Settings"
This can be manually edited/localized as needed when the Homepage is localized/translated.