CoreMedia Resources
These resources are focused on the CoreMedia Studio author and giving them a familiarization with the Studio interface and its basic parts. Use this section to better understand CoreMedia terminology for Documents and Fields used to build and publish our website Components. Learn about functionality in Studio and how to navigate the application.
Studio is the author tool for CoreMedia. This is where you configure components and build pages.
Documents are the building blocks of components. See short descriptions of the primary Document types you will use in CoreMedia.
This is the primary area an author works to build a component from a CoreMedia Document. The word "Document" is the CoreMedia term for the building blocks of your components and pages in Studio. There are several Tabs and Fields on each Document (these will differ depending on the Document type). Below are the five most common Tabs and their basic function.
Content Tab - this will be utilized in almost every Document. This is where you find your Teaser information along with where you add Images and Items to build your page or component.
Navigation Tab - The navigation tab is primarily used to define child pages for the current page. This sets up the hierarchy of your website and is what controls the structure of the URL.
Metadata Tab - These are many of the fields that support external SEO requirements and internal search needs. This defines the browser tile (HTML Title), HTML Metadata used by Google for search results, Keywords, etc.
Localization Tab - This shows how content links across locales for the same Document. You can trace the Derived (children) content versions of the current Document as well as see the Master (parent) content version here. This should not be confused with the relationship of Pages in a given locale shown on the Navigation Tab.
System Tab - contains system information about your item. The System tab allows you to see who has edited an item, the content ID, items linking to the content item, etc. While there are fields on this tab, only authors with specific access can edit anything on this tab.
The Rich Text Editor in Studio is a simple text editor that allows for some flexibility in styling your text that appears in the body of your components. The Rich Text Editor is embedded in the Teaser Text field in Studio.