Teaser Title | Teaser Text | Picture | Items | CTAs | |
VN019 Collection | Yes | No | No | Yes | No |
Items | Yes | Yes | Yes | -- | Yes |
Featuring black text on a white caption box, this component grid displays three tiles per row with one call to action per each tile. There is no minimum or maximum number of tiles required, and tiles will flow from left to right. Ideally, content in this component would be organized inside tabs and used to present category groupings and assist in finding out more about a product category.
Users can click or tap on an individual tile’s image and headline or the learn more link to advance to the associated page. This component is best used to direct site visitors to informational product category pages, although it could also be used as in-page navigation for other needs.
The only field that requires text in the collection is the Teaser Title. This is the tile for the overall navigation component and appears at the top left of the navigation tiles.
You will add the teasable Item you are using for the contents of the navigation to the Items list and set the Layout Variant to VN019. The title, body copy, CTA label and image for each navigation tile all come from the teasable content you include in the Item list. You need to have two or more navigation tiles when building this component. There is not a limit to the number of navigation tiles you can have. This component can also be used in the C016 Horizonal Tabs component.
For the teasable Item, you can use any teasable content such as a External Link, Page, Download or Video and directly add it on the Items list. Your teasable Item should contain the following: