Teaser Title | Teaser Text | Picture | Items | CTAs | |
VN017 Collection | Yes | No | No | Yes | No |
Items | Yes | Yes | Yes | -- | No |
This Profile Tiles component help give visual interest and prominence to leadership related content on the page. It displays images of top business leaders and their roles within Emerson. Tiles are displayed 2 per row without restrictions on number of items displayed.
The only field that requires text in the collection is the Teaser Title. This is the tile for the overall navigation component and appears at the top left of the navigation tiles.
You will add the teasable Item you are using for the contents of the navigation to the Items list and set the Layout Variant to VN017. The title, body copy, image and CTA label for each navigation tile all come from the teasable documents you include in the Item list. You need to have two or more navigation tiles when building this component. There is not a limit to the number of navigation tiles you can have. Images on the side of the navigation tiles can be added.
For the teasable Item, you can use any teasable content such as a Teaser or Page. Your teasable Item should contain the following: