Featured Navigation Banners

Layout Variant: VN015

Content Type: Collection

Teaser Title

Teaser Text




VN015 Collection












Aspect Ratio: 

  • 3:4, 1:1, 4:3, 2:1, 8:3, 4:1

Expected Use:

Primary use case is for a single banner (one Item). The component is designed to display a max of 5 banners by adding additional Items to the Item list. This is a component best used to showcase promotional copy that inspires users to click-through to the next page.

Building a Banner:

Nothing is required in the VN015 Collection other than the teasable Item you are using for the contents of the banner and setting the Layout Variant to VN015. The title, body copy, CTA label and image all come from the teasable Document you include in the Item list. The primary use case is for one banner (Item), but you can have up to five by adding more Items to the Items list.

For the teasable Item you can use any teasable content such as a Teaser, External Link, Page, Download or Video. As always, if you use a Teaser to separate your content (best practice) you can still set your Teaser Target to any of the valid Document types such as External Link, Page, Video or Download. Your teasable Item should contain the following:

  • Teaser Title - The main headline of your banner. This is not required.
  • Teaser Text - The body copy of your banner. This is optional, but best practice is to include some additional body copy
  • Pictures and Other Media - This is the background of the banner.
  • CTA - This is required for the custom CTA text shown regardless of what type of content you are teasing. This is entered in the Call-to-Action-Button section. Select the "Use Custom Call-to-Action Label" radio button.

Category Page Banner

Layout Variant: VN016

Content Type: Collection

Teaser Title

Teaser Text




VN016 Collection 






Aspect Ratio: 

  • 3:4, 1:1, 4:3, 2:1, 8:3, 4:1

Expected Use:

This component was built for a single specific use as an eSpot on a Category Page. It was not originally intended for wide use across other CoreMedia pages. While it can be used elsewhere, its use should be limited and approved by your Platform governance before use. Additionally, because this was designed for an eSpot on a Category page, there is no padding on the bottom of the banner so it may not look good in many use cases with other components below it. This component is best used to display promotional content on catalog pages, with the capability to personalize the message based on pre-defined logic.

Building a Banner:

Unlike the VN015 where all of the content to build the banner is in the Items you add to the Items List, the VN016 has all of the content to build the banner in the main collection. You can only have one banner per collection, unlike the VN015 that allows up to five banners.

The original use case was for a Category eSpot. The expected teasable content would be a Product Teaser. For general use, any teasable content such as a Teaser, External Link, Page, Download or Video can be used. As always, if you use a Teaser to separate your content (best practice) you can still set your Teaser Target to any of the valid Document types such as External Link, Page, Video or Download. Your Collection should contain the following:

  • Teaser Title - The main headline of your banner.
  • Teaser Text - The body copy of your banner. This is optional, but best practice is to include some additional body copy.
  • Pictures and Other Media - This is the background image of the banner.
  • CTA Label and Teasable Content - This is required for the CTA text shown regardless of what type of content you are teasing. This is entered in the Call-to-Action-Button section with the radio button selection of "Linked Call-to-Action Label".  The CTA dsiplayed will come from the teasable content's defined Teaser CTA Label. 
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