Text Only Navigation Tiles

Layout Variant: VN014

Content Type: Collection

Teaser Title

Teaser Text




VN014 Collection 












Expected Use: 

Text Navigation Tiles component is primarily used to direct people to an industry. It can also be used in other contexts when imagery is not required or desired.

Building the Navigation:

The only field that requires text in the collection is the Teaser Title. This is the tile for the overall navigation component and appears at the top left of the navigation tiles. You will set the Layout Variant of this component to VN014.

You will add the teasable Items you are using for the contents of the navigation to the Items list of your VN014 Collection. The VN014 is text only and uses just the Teaser Title of your Items.  You need to have two or more navigation tiles when building this component. There is no limit to the number of navigation tiles you can have. 

For the teasable Item, you can use any teasable content such as a Teaser, External Link, Page, Download or Video. As always, if you use a Teaser to separate your content (best practice) you can still set your Teaser Target to any of the valid Document types such as External Link, Page, Video or Download. Your teasable Item should contain the following:

  • Teaser Title - The main headline of your navigation tile that will appear at the top of this navigation. 
  • Teaser Text - This is the body copy of the navigation tile. This is not used for this navigation tile. 
  • Pictures and Other Media - This refers to the image displayed. This is not used for this navigation tile. 
  • CTA -  As each navigation tile is a CTA, there is no specific CTA or text needed to be set for this.  

Bundle Entries:

  • button_show_more
  • button_show_less
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