Mini Hero

Layout Variant: H003

Content Type: Pictures

Teaser Title

Teaser Text




H003 Pictures






Aspect Ratio: 

  • 16:9, 4:1, 5:2, 5:3

Expected Use:

The Mini Hero provides a short overview of the technology, service or application on the page and can be used to ensure more content appears above the fold on desktop. This Hero can appear on industry application, service, brand or other pages that seek to surface more informational copy above the fold on desktop screens. The copy in the Mini Hero provides a succinct overview of the page’s content. Use focus keywords as this Mini Hero includes the H1.

Note: Authors have the option to enable and disable display of breadcrumbs via the page Local Settings. 

How to Build:

In the Content Tab, set your Hero Teaser Target to a page and add pictures to the Hero placement of the page and apply the "Default" layout variant to the placement. The Hero is styled by setting the Layout at the Page level for the Hero to H003 in the Placement section. No Items and CTA are used in this component. Your components should contain the following:

  • Teaser Title - The main headline shown on the upper left side of the image. This is optional.
  • Teaser Text - The body copy shown below the Title. This is optional. 
  • Pictures and Other Media - This includes a picture here which is the image shown in the hero. If you add multiple Pictures, they will be displayed as a carousel.

To enable or disable the display of breadcrumbs, go to the System Tab then Local Settings and select "showBreadcrumbs" property. The breadcrumbs are not enabled by default. if the author desires to display the breadcrumbs on the hero, just click on the "Value".

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