Teaser Title | Teaser Text | Teaser CTA Label | Picture & Other Media | Items | CTAs | |
C097 Collection | Yes | Optional | No | No | Yes | No |
Items | Yes | Optional | No | No | No | No |
The C097 Featured Content with Dynamic Sticky Image Column component allows authors to publish various content paired with images in a visually dynamic way than a static component or carousel. The sticky image display behavior on the C097 component changes only upon scroll up or down. The swap between the first and next image happens only after the content of the next item is displayed. The suggested number of items is around 2 to 8 max.
This component can be attached to any page and must be placed on the main section.
This component should contain the following:
1. Add Teaser Title – This is the main heading or label of the component.
2. Add Teaser Header - This is the optional eyebrow of the component.
2. Add Teaser Text -This is the optional body copy that describes the component.
3. Add the Teaseable Items – This can be any featured information or content such as featured products, services, articles, etc. A collection must be setup for each featured item and should contain the following:
4. Images or other Media files, Teaser CTA Label and CTAs are not used in this collection.
5. Set Layout Variant to ‘C097’.
Optional: Users have the option to modify the background color of the component under the Content tab.