Featured Stats

Layout Variant: C095

Content Type: Collection

Teaser Title

Teaser Header

Teaser Text

Teaser CTA Label

Picture & Other Media



C095 Collection
















Expected Use:

The C095 Featured Stats component is intended to showcase engaging and informative data proof points. It allows for the display of prominent facts, figures, or statistics in real (HTML) text rather than uploaded images so that it can be read by search engines and screen readers. 

Building the Component:

For the main C095 Collection, your component should contain the following: 

1. Teaser Title – This is the headline or label of the component. Ideal to have no more than four (4) lines of text.

2. Teaser Header - This is the optional eyebrow label in blue font displayed on top of the Teaser Title. 

3.  Teaser Text -This is the optional body copy of the component. Ideal to have no more than eight (8) lines of text. The content display for the body copy autofits to preset width while the number of Featured Stats auto spans and fit the whole width of the pane. 

4.  Items - To create entries for the Featured Stats, authors can add a minimum of two (2) to maximum of eight (8) collections on the Items list. This section encloses the stat items to be displayed. See below setup guide.

5.  Set the Layout Variant to ‘C095’. 

6.  Teaser CTA Label, Pictures or Other Media and CTA are not used in this component. 

Featured Stats Entries:

1. Create a Collection

2. Teaser Title – This displays facts, figures, or statistics in (HTML) text format. Recommended to display maximum of eight (8) characters. 

3. Teaser Header - This is the optional sub Header of the Featured Stat. Recommended to display maximum of four (4) lines of text.

4.  Teaser Text - This is the optional Body Copy of the Featured Stat. Recommended to display maximum of eight (8) lines of text. The content display auto spans and fit the width of the Featured Stat. Future updates will include option to add internal or external links on the body copy.

5. Items - To create entries for the accordion, authors can add as many Teasers, External Link, Video or Download components to the Items list.

6.  Set the Layout Variant to "Default".

7.  Teaser CTA Label, Pictures or Other Media and CTA are not used in this component. Background Color cannot be modified. 

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