Events Schedule

Layout Variant: C085

Content Type: Collection

Teaser Title

Teaser Text

Picture & Other Media



C016 Collection 






Items (Default Collections)
eg. each day






Items (C085 Collections)
eg. each hour/timeslot






Items (Default Collections)
eg. Each Presentation






1st Item (Default Teaser)
Presentation Info






Add'l Items (C084 Collections)
Expert Profile Card(s)






Expected Use:

A component for featuring multiple time-block associated sessions and activities offered within a larger owned- or attended-event schedule framework.

This component features content for a single time block listing. Each time block should consist of one or more session detail groups, including session location (e.g., “Booth 374” or “Main Stage”), title, description, type (e.g., “Panel Discussion” or “Product Demo”), duration and associated speakers. It is intended to be authored as part of a collection of C085 time block components.

**Note: The C085 Event Schedule is a highly nested set of collections that is housed within a C016 container and is not designed to be a standalone component outside of the C016 parent. 

Building the C016 Component Container:

The C085 Collections are actually each individual time slots for events. The overall component is a highly nested set of collections that is housed in a C016 Collection container. The C085 is not designed to be a stand-alone component without the C016 parent.

At the lowest level is an individual event with the event info and speakers/experts. One or more events are grouped in a C085 Collection making up a specific hour time slot. The hours are added to a collection for the day. Finally each day is added to the main C016 Horizontal Tab Container for the whole event. 

C016 Collection > Default Collection(s) [Day] > C085 Collection(s) [Hour] > Default Collection(s) [Event] > Event Info Teaser and Expert Profile Card Collection(s)

While this is a deeply nested design, each individual component is fairly simple. Create a Collection for the C016 Container. See the C016 Horizontal Tab instructions for further details. Add the following to you C016 Collection:

  • Teaser Title - This is the standard C016 Component Title shown at the upper left of the component
  • Teaser Text - Not used in the C016
  • Items - You will add a collection for each day of the event. If there are three days of presentations, then you will add three Collections to the Items List
  • Layout Variant - Set to C016

Default Collections for Each Day:

Each Day will have a Default Collection to add all of the hours/timeslots that you have presentations. This is to allow you to have multiple presentations at the same time. You will create a C085 Collection for each hour/timeslot of the day you have presentations. While we are using the term "hours" the times can be whatever is needed for your specific event. For the Default Collection for each day you will need the following fields:

  • Teaser Title - This is generally the day of the week (eg. Monday) and shows in the C016 Tab.
  • Teaser text - Is not used in this collection
  • Items - Here you will add a C085 Collection for each hour (or timeslot grouping) for your presentations. If only one is entered it will fill across an entire row to fill the C016 component width. If there are two or more they will fill half the container side-by-side and stack once you reach three or more timeslots.
  • Layout Variant - Set to Default

Building the C085 Collections for each Timeslot:

As each timeslot can have multiple presentations, we need the C085 Collection to hold the individual presentations for the given timeslot. In turn, each presentation will be a Default Collection added to the C085 Collection's Items List. Build the C085 Collection as follows:

  • Teaser Title - This is the timeslot (eg. 10:00 AM)
  • Teaser Text - Is not used.
  • Items - these are the individual presentations. These are Default Collections
  • Layout Variant - Set to C085

Building the Individual Presentation Events:

Each individual event/presentation is built from yet another Collection. This is the lowest item in the event schedule container and is built as follows:

  • Teaser Title - This is the title of the Presentation or Event
  • Teaser Text - This is the description (body copy) to accompany the presentation title
  • Items - the first item in the list is a Teaser with the remaining presentation information (room/location, exact time duration, category, and calendar option. See below for the Event Teaser fields required. The second and remaining items are C084 Expert Profile Cards. See the C084 Expert Profile Card instructions for how to build these.
  • Layout Variant - Set to Default

Event/Presentation Information Teaser:

Create a Teaser to allow for the additional information needed to complete the event/presentation information

  • Teaser Title - This is meant to be the room or location of the actual presentation or event (eg. Main Stage, Room 234)
  • Teaser Text - This is the exact time duration of the event, an optional categorization, and optional calendar entry hyperlink (eg. 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM - Oil & Gas Upstream - Calendar Entry) Where calendar entry is a hyperlink to allow adding the event/presentation to your calendar.
  • Layout Variant - set to Default
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