Topic CTA Spots with or without Show More/Less Toggle
Layout Variant: C082, C082B
Content Type: Collection
| Teaser Title | Teaser Text | Teaser CTA Label | Picture & Other Media | Items | CTAs |
C082 Collection | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | No |
Items(Teaser 1 - 50) | Yes | No | No | No | -- | Yes |
Expected Use:
This Collection builds one or more rows of Green CTA boxes that are the major topics included in the Newsroom and would be displayed on the Newsroom landing page. In addition, these CTAs should be dynamically rank ordered to present the most requested (clicked) CTA first (this functionality is still in the planning stage, your CTAs will show in the order they are placed in the Items List.) While designed initially for the Perspectives content in 2020 then adapted for the Newsroom update in 2021, this component can have a wide range of uses across the website.
The C082B is nearly identical to the C082 except that only one row of CTAs is shown by default with a "Show More" CTA below the CTA Topic Spots. This allows for a more compact use of the component. Nothing is different in how this version is built compared to the C082.
Building the Component:
The body copy or description is not used. Images are not used. CTAs are pulled from the teasers added to the component which are the topics covered in the Newsroom page. From the added teasers, the CTA opens up to a dedicated page. On the Content Tab, you will need to add the Teasers as Items. For C082 Collection, include:
- Teaser Title - The main headline of the component and set the Layout Variant to C082.
- Items - The maximum number of teaser that can be added are limited to 50. You can set your Teaser Target to any of the valid topics in the Perspectives, Newsroom or other use cases. Future functionality intends to allow the CTAs to show as a dynamic list rank ordered by most viewed items. Currently the functionality simply shows the CTAs in the order they are added to the Items List.
Your Teaseable Items should contain the following:
- Teaser Target - if you are using a Teaser, set the Teaser Target to your teaseable content. You can also use any other teaseable content type such as External Link, Video, Download, Search Teaser, etc.
- Teaser Title - This serves as the main title for the Topic CTA buttons. Add the title based on the topics from Newsroom page. The character limit is set to a total of 50.
- Teaser Text, Image and Items are not required in this component.
- CTA and Teaseable Content - No specific CTA text needed to be set for this as the Teaser Title will be used as CTA Label for the Teaser. You need to add teasable content which provides the link to the corresponding landing page associated with the Newsroom.
Bundle Entries
The C082B uses the bundle entries for the "Show More" and "Show Less" CTAs shown below the Topic Spots. This allows those labels to be translated.
- topics_showMore - label name for the Show More text
- topics_showLess - label name for the Show Less text
- topics_limit - this is the value for the number of topics to show on load. It is set to 6, but could be changed. This is a global value for all use cases of the C082B, so changing it in the Bundle will change everywhere.