Teaser Title | Teaser Text | Teaser CTA Label | Picture & Other Media | Items | CTAs | |
C080B Collection | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | No |
Items | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes |
C080B is a new variant of the C080 Flexible Card Grid component that displays 2–8 flexible card links to related support content without images.
The C080B is intended to highlight or showcase multiple links to supporting content or resource content associated with the product or topic focus of the page or page section in which the component displays, such as software login portals, licensing documentation or support, etc. for related software product offerings. Card links drive users to the associated content whether internal/external site page, download or video experience.
The component allows editors to author a section heading, optional description copy and 2–8 flexible card links, each containing a card title with associated icon based on link type (internal, external, download, or video) and a brief teaser description of the linked content. Cards display flexibly within the available content area filling up to 4 cards per row and wrapping additional items onto a new row as needed, up to 8 items displaying on 2 rows (recommended max).
This component should contain the following:
1. Add Teaser Title – This is the Section Heading of the component.
2. Add the Teaser Header - This is the optional Eyebrow Label displayed above the Teaser Title.
3. Add the Teaser Text - This is the optional Body Copy or description of the component.
4. Teaser CTA Label and Pictures or Other Media are not used in this collection. The CTAs will come from the added teaseable content on the Items Section.
5. Add the Teaseable Items - The teaseable content type that can be displayed on the component are External Links, Page, Videos, Downloads or Teasers. Any of which can be directly added on the Items Section. 2–8 flexible card links can be displayed in two rows. The card display size auto adjusts for card links 1 to 4. The CTA icons will vary depending on the teaseable content added.
6. Set Layout Variant to ‘C080B’.
Note that authors also have the option to modify the Background Color under the Content Tab. When the Background Color is modified, it auto creates the Local Setting properties such as "bgColorState" and "backgroundToggle". The latter is a shortcut to enable / disable the Legacy (Gray) background color.