Flexible Column Blurb
Layout Variant: C071
Content Type: Teaser
| Teaser Title | Teaser Text | Pictures and Media | Items | CTAs |
C071 Teaser | Yes | Yes | Yes | -- | No |
Aspect Ratio:
Expected Use:
This is used as the subcomponents (Items) in the Flexible Column collections C067, C069, C070
Building the Component:
Set the following in the C071 Collection to render the component correctly:
- Create a new Teaser
- Add a Teaser Title for the heading of the callout
- Add Teaser Text for the body copy of the callout
- Pictures and Media - Add Picture (icon). Again, note that the icon should be representative of and add value to the text in the callout. This is optional in some of the components this is used.
- Set the Layout Variant to C071