Rich Copy Area Wide
Layout Variant: C044
Content Type: Collection
| Teaser Title | Teaser Text | Pictures and Media | Items | CTAs |
C044 Collection | No | Yes | No | No | No |
Aspect Ratio:
Expected Use:
- This is primarily used at the bottom of the pages to include supplemental or footnote content. This component is a full-width copy block and using it for long-form copy may make it difficult for readers as the length of the copy is not ideal for extended reading periods on desktop browsers. (Copy can be styled in italics as show in the image, but is not italics by default.) This is used at the bottom of the page for footnote content or copy following asterisk.
- The C044 is also used to construct news articles. Review the news and events layout instructions.
Building the Component:
The only field that requires text in the collection is the Teaser Text, the body copy of the component. C044 allows an editor to use the teaser text to display on a landing page. You can format the text using bold copy, adding a dash of italics, pull quotes and bulleted or number formatted lists. Set the Layout Variant to C044. The Teaser Title, Pictures or other rich media and CTAs are not used for this component. No Items are used for this component.