Teaser Title | Teaser Text | Pictures and Media | Items | CTAs | |
C037 Collection | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
The primary purpose of C037 is to feature a case study supported with an image and caption. This component is available for use with the Case Study Grid layout like L026, C034 etc. Use caption copy to provide supporting information about the image and to add color to the case study.
On the Content Tab, include the Teaser Title, Text, Image and set the Layout Variant to C037. Items and CTAs are not used for this component. This component is specifically designed to support a Picture. This component can only be added to a Case Study Grid layout. Your Collection should contain the following:
You can create an Internal Link Target (link to a content item in the Rich Text Editor menu) containing the link for C037 in the left column of the Case Study 1x2 Grid by typing a text label (the text label is for reference only and will not show in the component) and then adding an Internal Link. Drag and drop the C037 Collection on the Internal Link Target. Set the link to "Show Embedded".