Case Study Block w/ Optional Carousel

Layout Variant: C026

Content Type: Collection

Teaser Title

Teaser Text

Teaser Header

Pictures and Media



C026 Collection 














Aspect Ratio: 

  • 4:3

Expected Use:

Use the Case Study Block when you want to show your potential customer how Emerson has made a real business impact. This component can be used throughout the site and includes a headline, body copy and up to two CTA buttons. More than one case study initiates the optional carousel.

Building the Component:

The only field that requires text in the collection is the Teaser Title that appears at the top left of the component and setting the Layout Variant to C026. CTAs are not used on this component as they are pulled in from the added Teasers in the Items List. If you wish for a Card in the carousel to have CTAs, they must be set up on the Teaser. 

Building Your Teasers:

Your Teaser should contain the following:

  • Teaser Target - You can simply add your teasable content here. The CTA Label will be pulled from your teasable content or if not specified, it will default to the bundle label "Learn More". You can also set the Call-to-Action-Button to "Use Custom Call-to-Action Label" and set the CTA label here. You also have the option of using the "Linked-Call-to-Action Label" as shown below.
  • Teaser Title - The main headline of your card. 
  • Teaser Text - The body copy of your card. This is optional, but best practice is to include some additional body copy.
  • Teaser Header - This is the all caps label in the upper left of each card. You can add a label here in the Teaser Header. If this field is bank, the component defaults to the bundle entry for case_study.
  • Pictures and Other Media - This includes the image required to be shown on the card. 
  • Call-to-Action-Button - The CTA drives to a PDF case study or to an HTML case study (L026 layout) but it can also accomodate a Page or External Link. This is required for the custom CTA text shown regardless of what type of content you are teasing. If you do not use a Teaser Target, you can do the following:
    • For a single CTA: This is entered in the Call-to-Action-Button section with the radio button selection of "Use Linked Call-to-Action Label" if you wish to use the CTA label from your teasable content. Note, the radio button with selection of "Use both Custom & Linked Call-to-Action Label" where you will drop your teasable content along with entering your custom CTA label does not work in this component.
    • For two CTAs: This is entered in the Call-to-Action-Button section with the radio button selection of "Use Linked Call-to-Action Label" if you wish to use the CTA label from your teasable content. You cannot use the "Use both Custom & Linked Call-to-Action Label" when using two CTAs.

Authors also have two other optional features:

  • Modify the C026 Background Color under the Content Tab.
  • Add an Optional Caption using another component ex. C044. This component is added right after the C026 collection. The background color can also be modified as preferred or to sync with the C026 collection.

Bundle Entries:

  • case_study - Shows the "Case Study" label in all caps on the upper left corner of the component if no label is included in your Teaser
  • learn_more - shown when no CTA label is set.
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