As the Header is an integral part of the website, it is difficult to create a regression page specifically to showcase this functionality. It is available on every page. This page is meant to give some commentary around better understanding the Global Navigation.
Shown on this page is the G001 Global Header Navigation used for the Resources Pages that have been created to support CoreMedia Content Management and Digital Governance Information. You can interrogate the components that make up this G001 Global Header Navigation to better understand how this is created and used.
As noted in the instructions, the G001 is actually created by adding a G004 and G002 to the Header Placement on a Page. Although we have a single header on each site, it is illustrated on this page that you can de-link part or all of the header and have a custom header for specific page(s). This must be approved by your platform governance and governance before implementing.
Variations of the G001B are not shown here. You can look at other approved sites such as Climate, Insinkerator, Sensi, Cash Valve and Spectrex for examples of variations in the G001B header implementation
This is the menu structure for G013, G014, and G015 menu types have been built to showcase their use in the menu above. You can look at or some of the other approved sites for an example of the G012 Flyout Menu.
The G003B Primary Navigation Single-Level Menu is not shown in this example. You can look at other approved sites such as Climate, Insinkerator, Sensi, Cash Valve and Spectrex for examples of variations in the G003B header implementation. Note, not all approved sites have moved to the modern G003B menu structure and some are still using the legacy "navigation" menus.
The default footer for is shown here for G007. All of the parts can be viewed for further details. The other approved sites can also be viewed for variations of the implementation of the G007B Global Footer Navigation.