The first example is the standard use case with a predefined category of "Subject -> Product Assets -> Documents and Drawings”. This was the initial use case and how the component was built. This is "hard coded" and requires no additional authoring for this usage.
The second example uses a custom Tag selection. This is done by adding an entry to the Local Settings of the Collection that defines the Tag parent you are using. See the author instructions for more information.
The third example is a specific use case for ComRes E360. This uses the standard (default) "Documents and Drawings" Tag.
The fourth sample is a specific Document Library use case. The page is on en-us only. New tags were custom defined and created in a separate Tag Folder --> "Subject" --> "Supplier" --> "Documents" to ensure usage is only limited to the specific purpose intended. Each document has the relevant tag on the Metadata tab: "English", "Non-English" and "Archived". For those documents with non-English language, the locale must be set on the Localization tab depending on the document language. Doing this, adds the document's locale language on the drop down field on top most right corner of the component. Users can use the drop down to filter documents by language. Note that document samples are for illustration purposes only. Please do not reuse.