
Power Quality and Grounding Integrity Service


Emerson’s Power and Grounding Integrity Service is designed to address all aspects of system inspection and maintenance throughout the system lifecycle. This service includes power and grounding investigation, assessment, analysis, reporting, and recommendations to correct issues in your plant.


Issues with the integrity of power and grounding can occur at any time, sometimes in unpredictable ways. Emerson’s experts have a wealth of experience in quickly resolving tough electrical and environmental issues with control systems and plant instrumentation. Emerson’s Power Quality and Grounding Integrity Service programs can verify the health of your system and remediate any issues.

Improve process availability and system reliability: Unchecked failures can ultimately impact system availability. Assessing your plant’s power and grounding health improves availability and reliability by proactively addressing issues before they occur. p>

Reduce time and costs of rectifying power and grounding issues: If you identify potential issues caused by power and grounding before they manifest into larger problems, you can avoid lost production time. Additionally, Emerson consultants are highly trained with the specialized tools required to troubleshoot any electrical issue on any bus—ultimately leading to a rapid repair and lowered costs.

Make informed decisions: Information from experienced engineers is critical to determining the best resolutions for power quality and grounding anomalies. The findings and recommendations from Emerson’s Power Quality and Grounding Integrity Services will guide you in better decision-making as you work to improve system health and availability.
