
Gas-Fired Power Generation

Forced outages and inadequate unit response are impacting profitability.

Improve Availability And Operational Flexibility

Your gas plants are cycled with increasing frequency. These additional starts increase the maintenance on your gas turbine and thermally stress the rest of your plant. Emerson's power experts work with you to mitigate the effects of cycling and improve the availability and flexibility of your simple and combined cycle units.

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Media & Case Studies

Simplified and improved asset prediction and protection on important rotating assets in your plant.

The Latest

Gas Plant Slashes Fuel Usage

Emerson expertise and Ovation™ Advanced Power Applications lead to 67 percent reduction in hot start fuel usage and fast.

Southern Company Employs Cutting-Edge Plant Simulation Strategy

Cross-functional simulator enables trials of changes to both plant equipment parameters and control techniques in a harmless virtual environment.

Firma Emerson wprowadza w życie projekt wirtualnej elektrowni dzięki pierwszej w branży...

Wraz z wprowadzeniem pierwszej w branży zintegrowanej platformy sterującej i symulacyjnej firma Emerson umożliwiła właścicielom elektrowni...
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