Automotive exterior applications

Plastic Welding Solutions for Automotive Exterior Components

Precise welding solutions for functional, stylish automotive exterior plastic components

Maximize the Versatility of Plastics for Automotive Exterior Components

To keep pace in a fast-moving global automotive market, auto manufacturers and suppliers must continue to develop lightweight, cost-effective vehicle plastic components which optimize strength, style, and performance. Emerson’s array of plastic welding technologies provide proven, high-volume component assembly solutions, delivering long-term durability and performance of exterior components that adhesives and fasteners simply cannot match.

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Automotive Exterior Plastic Welding Applications

Tail Lights

Far more than essential safety devices, taillights have evolved into a distinctive feature of automotive design. Larger, bolder, and brighter than ever, today’s taillights combine colored and transparent plastics with complex curves, while hermetically sealing multiple lamps, sensors and electronics. To weld them with superior strength, flash-free aesthetics, and durable hermetic seals, Emerson offers a comprehensive range of Branson laser welding and clean vibration welding technologies for tail light assembly.


In a competitive automotive industry, every detail makes a statement that can add to brand value.  Like distinctive light strips on grilles, fascia, or rear-view mirrors, which were once only seen on luxury-class vehicles. Today, however, Branson laser and vibration welding technologies make joining the elements of these dimensionally complex assemblies – crystal-clear plastics, LEDs, sensors, electronics, and wiring – highly reliable and truly economical.

Illuminated Logos

Illuminated vehicle logos are another mark of vehicle distinction and a vital element of automotive marketing. But joining diverse and challenging materials, some with embedded LEDs, and circuitry into durable, all-weather assemblies for front fascia or grills poses technical challenges. The solution, in many cases, is a new Branson quasi-simultaneous laser welding technology that applies laser energy more selectively to bond complex and intricate parts.


Sleek, seamless, and strong, today’s bumpers not only protect vehicle occupants from accidents, but house technologies to help drivers avoid them: radar, cameras, sensors, and supporting circuitry. Fortunately, Branson plastic welding technology brings all the pieces together. Laser, vibration, and ultrasonic welders reliably bond sub-assemblies such as device housings, brackets, stiffeners and energy absorbing components to these aesthetically pleasing yet physically demanding components.

Branson aftermarket service experts

Global, expert aftermarket support

Emerson aftermarket services offer evaluation, technical and emergency support, spare parts, preventive maintenance, and calibration for the life cycle of Branson equipment.

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