Roxar PDS PIG Detection System

Roxar™ PDS PIG Detection System

A non-intrusive unit that detects all types of PIG and indicates debris removal in cleaning operations

Roxar PIG Detection System

Effortlessly enhance your PIG detection capabilities

The Roxar PDS is a non-intrusive pipeline integrity management (PIM) tool that doesn't require mechanical modifications. The unit detects all type of PIG, such as scraper, cleaning or batching PIG, and enables operators to understand the performance of their pigging operation. The detector is compact, low weight and can provide easy-to-use data directly to DCS or SCADA systems.

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Kliknij, aby kontynuować czytanie Effortlessly enhance your PIG detection capabilities

How It Works

The building blocks behind the Roxar PIG Detection System

The Roxar PDS system consists of the following parts:

  • Sensing unit, which needs to be clamped on to the pipe
  • Calculation and interface unit (CIU), which needs to be placed on a safe area or Ex enclosure
  • Safety barrier or galvanic isolator, which needs to be placed on a safe area or Ex enclosure

Roxar PIG Detection System working principle

When a PIG travels through a pipe, the friction between the PIG and the
pipe will generate a characteristic sound signature. This signature is processed by the unit's algorithm to accurately detect when the PIG has effectively passed. The PIG shall travel at a minimum velocity of 0.05 m/s.

Configuration and service

The data from the acoustic sensors can be sent directly from the Calculation Interface Unit (CIU) to DCS or SCADA systems by digital or analogue IO without having to connect to a PC. Another way to configure, extract and analyse information from the sensors is by using the Roxar service software which is part of every delivery of a Roxar PIG detector. The CIU software is an .exe file which makes a direct connection from a windows based computer to the CIU.

Calculation & Interface Unit

The Calculation & Interface Unit (CIU) is the data handling module of the acoustic sensor. It receives the information from the detector  and outputs the engineering values. 

The CIU has several communication interface options, both digital and analogue. Each CIU features 8 LED indicators, showing the present operational status.

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