Teaser Title | Teaser Text | Pictures and Media | Items | CTAs | |
C049 Query List | Optional | No | No | Optional | No |
Blog author images are dynamically pulled via the WordPress API. This is built into the component functionality and is not authorable.
The Blog Feed component is used to preview recent blog articles on Emerson WordPress blogs. The component shows the author, title and provides a CTA to read the blog article. The CTA is dynamically generated and takes you directly to the WordPress blog article (external to Emerson.com).
In building the component, you need to open the Library and select "Blog Feed" as the CoreMedia content type. This custom component type has three fields on the Conditions Tab: Service, Category Id, and Tag Id. Note: Category Id and Tag Id are mutually exclusive. You must choose only one. If you enter data in both fields, the Category Id you enter will take precedence and the Tag Id will be ignored.
Nothing is required in the Blog Feed component query list other than the fields noted above on the Conditions Tab. The Layout Variant C049 is not used as this is a custom content type and is only for reference. The Teaser Title is optional and will appear at the upper left of the component if this field is used. No CTA is required, this is dynamically generated from the API feed.
Like other Query Lists, you can add static content just as you would in a standard Query List. You can also designate the display position like you can in a Product Query. To do this you need to create a "Feed Item Teaser". This is a custom CoreMedia document type created to support the Blog Dynamic Feed Component and the Forum Dynamic Feed Component. You need to fill out the two fields on the Content Tab of the Feed Item Teaser:
On the Content Tab of your Blog Feed (C049) Component add the Feed Item Teaser to the "Items with Fixed Position" field. You can click on the small triangle on the far left of your item to open the dialog below and set the fixed position (1, 2 or 3).