Reduce Steam Losses
Reduce energy use, minimize emissions and eliminate steam leaks
Many plants experience high maintenance and energy cost on steam distribution and can’t adequately respond to steam demand changes. Steam is often measured with orifice meters that have issues with leaking impulse lines. The leaks cause steam losses, and measurement errors so the steam can’t be distributed efficiently based on process demand. The Rosemount 8800D vortex flow meter with integral temperature sensor and Rosemount flow computer are ideal solutions. Vortex meters do not require impulse lines eliminating the source of the losses. One user reported a steam efficiency increase of 3% and a savings of more than 200,000 Euros per year on fuel. Using these savings, the initial investment was recovered in just 25 days of operation.
Reduce coking rate
Reduce Lost and Unaccounted for
Reduce gas consumption and energy cost
Reduce environmental fines, product loss and tank corrosion
Reduce losses, improve efficiency, and minimize energy consumption
Ensure safety, improve energy efficiency. Environmentally friendly operations.