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Call for Presentations is now closed. Watch your email for a notification of acceptance.
Process Optimization, Virtualization, Reliability and Mobile Inspection are among the top areas of interest, based on feedback from users at the 2019 conference and the 2020 Virtual Series. Click below to view more topic ideas and then share your professional insights and the latest advancements on these or any number of topics as a presenter at the next Exchange event.
Call for Presentations opens
Call for Presentations closes
Notification of Acceptance issued
Final PowerPoint presentation due
Session length
All Presentations will be scheduled for 45 minutes, including time for Q&A.
Number of speakers per abstract
Limited to 1 Presenter and 2 Co-Presenters per abstract. Only the person entered as the Presenter on the abstract will be eligible for the conference fee waiver.
Required information per abstract
Use business email addresses
A participant’s email address must be their business email. No personal email addresses (e.g., gmail, yahoo, etc.) will be accepted.
Do not use Internet Explorer
The preferred browsers to access the submission site / myExchange dashboard are Chrome, Firefox or Safari.
Prepare your abstract submission ahead of time
We have provided an Abstract Writing Guide (PDF) that includes the required form fields to assist you with preparing your abstract prior to submitting it online. The Abstract Submission Portal will time out and you will lose your work.
Abstracts must be entered via the Call for Presentations Portal no later than March 4, 2022. Abstracts will not be accepted in the PDF form.
The Emerson Exchange Board of Directors Presentations Committee will review all submitted abstracts and will select Presentations that will be of high value to conference attendees.
Tips to help get your presentation/abstract approved
See an example of a well-written abstract here.
The most outstanding Presentation in each track will be awarded “Best in Conference”, with a formal presentation of this award at the conference.
User Case Study
A presentation that summarizes a real-life success story about how Emerson products or services were used to upgrade a process, execute a project, solve a challenging application or other similar themes. Case studies reflect on a challenge, how the challenge was resolved and the business results achieved with the solution.
Process & Automation Practices
A presentation typically from an industry or Emerson expert that aims to provide educational information on a technical subject. Presentations can range from fundamental to advanced courses on a specialized topic. Examples of potential topics includes SIS, valve sizing, wireless network planning and others.
Emerson Product or Service Spotlight
A presentation from an Emerson expert on a featured product, service or recent enhancement. Presentations will provide an in-depth technical overview of the product or service, highlight what challenges are addressed and describe what benefits can be realized from deploying the product or service. Presentations may include tips, tricks and examples of how products and services can be further utilized to help Users gain more value from their company’s investment. These sessions may also provide an opportunity to provide direct feedback to the Emerson product team.
Personal & Career Development
Personal training and development sessions aimed to help you and/or your teams to be more effective in the workplace.